AAU meets the Year of Zayed Graduates

Al Ain University family met the Year of Zayed graduates in the Annual Meeting organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs in the attendance of Prof. Ghaleb El Refae, AAU President, Dr. Amer Qasem, AAU Vice President, Dr. Ibtehal Aburezeq, Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Hani Al Jarrah, Deputy Deans of Student Affairs, the Deans, Deputy Deans and Academic and Administrative staffs. Where the Graduation ceremony will be held this October at the Emirates Palace.
The meeting started with a speech by the Dean of Students Affairs, where she considered it as an opportunity to learn more about the experiences of other graduates after their graduation, She also explained the instructions of the ceremony.
For his part, Prof. El Refae stressed the importance of this meeting in terms of continuity of communication among graduates after graduation, praising on the interaction between the students and their university. He also mentioned the most important achievements by the Al Ain University over the past years, such as, offering new bachelor and masters programs, and the continuity of obtaining the International accreditation for the universities’ programs which would enhance positively on the quality of education and the certificate.
On the other hand, Dr. Amer expressed his pride for the graduate students, especially that the AAU graduation ceremony comes this year in coinciding with the Year of Zayed 2018. He also reviewed the series of events organized by the University in memory of Zayed Commander, confirming that Al Ain University will remain an incubator for all its students even after graduation.
At the end of the meeting, a group photo of the academic staff and graduate were taken, they also exchanged conversations, experiences, and tips that would benefit students in their working lives.